Torch Down Rubber Roof Membrane installation

Flat Roof Installation -Torch Down Rubber Roof Membrane

The flashing is what cause a roof to fail

Flat roof Installation over a garage roof. Whether it be a residential or commercial building, the materials we use are the same. The big problem with residential roofs is the posts, siding, and vent flashing.

In the roof video, you will see a door sill that was a problem. When re-roofing, the common problem with residential roofs is the siding and the railing posts. Most of the time we have to make roof repairs around the posts and other objects before installing a new rubber roof.

In most cases if possible, it is better to remove the railing. That gives better access to the edge of the roof to install the drip edge.

Whether we do a small roof over a garage or a big commercial roof, all the materials and the techniques are the same.

The post railing on a residential roof is what makes it harder to install

The siding is also a factor. In most cases, we try to use the existing flashing that’s under the old existing roofing material. We remove the old material carefully to dig the flashing out. Then we prepare the flashing for the new rubber roof. The reason we like to do it that way is that it will take longer to remove the siding and replace it with new again.

The rubber membrane got installed after all the preparation on the roof.

After cleaning the flashing and posts, then the Torching begins. Torching a new membrane to an old one is the best.

Watch the video on how to treat post flashing. It is important to have counter flashing over a post. So many times we find that the roof is leaking due to improper flashing on the post.

This video explains about post flashing

Flat Roof Installation on a garage roof

This is what makes residential roofs harder to do than commercial roofs. The siding, flashing, and railings are always what will take up most of the time. Thye confined area is also making it harder to move once all the tools and materials and workers are on the roof.

Erik my son when he was 18 years old manning the camera for this project

Post of the railings were not flashed

Notice that there is no counter flashing on the posts. This is very common to see that post and railings are installed without proper flashing.

Notice that the post does not have any flashing

Copper flashing for a post on a flat roof – Counter flashing

This is what the copper flashing looks like when it is installed around a post. The next image I will insert the post to demonstrate how counter flashing is working

This is what the copper flashing looks like for a 4 x 4 post

Copper flashing fits around the post

This is the common mistake most people make when they install posts on a deck. They anchor the post to the roof and install copper flashing around it. This is where it ends.

The next image will show what counter flashing is

This image shows how the post and flashing works

Post sleeve installed over copper flashing

Counter flashing is when siding or a post sleeve covers the top edge of the copper flashing. Water can then not enter behind the flashing on the post.

Besides the flashing, a post jacket must be installed for the flashing to work

Post sleeve secured

After positioning the post sleeve and securing it, then a cap must be installed at the top of the post so water doesn’t leak in from there.

This image show how the post jacket must go over the flashing

Post Cap installed to secure the top

After the sleeve is installed, a post cap must cover the top to prevent water from coming in.

This is what counter flashing look like.

The final step is to install a cap over the jacket to complete the flashing of a post
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